Sommer T-25 Vertical Antenna |
New! - * Terminated Frequency-Independent
(160)-80-40-30-20-17-15-12-10 m
Plus all frequencies in between!
"My RX and I have yet to get used to the strong signals," said HB9OI after installing his Sommer T-25 vertical last year. An OT OP, he added that he has decades of previous experiences with verticals. |
* Use an ordinary 50-ohm dummy load as an all-frequency terminal resistor or set your antenna selectively to the desired frequency--right from your shack, using a simple matchbox.
Typical SWR of T-25. Note that the "loss" occurring when using the Terminal-R (terminal resistor) is negligible and will not be noticed on the receiving S-meter.
[Working Principles]
[Parts Supplied]
[Mechanical/Electrical Data]